European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
(ECCAM) 2012

EuropaColon - Espana
- EuropaColon – Espana’s key focus for March 2012 was membership recruitment
- During March two meetings were held in Madrid where patients were invited to attend. The meetings were aimed at trying to find out how patients would like to work with EuropaColon – Espana and how they feel they could benefit from joining the organisation

Selbsthilfe Gruppe Darmkreb
Associate Group
- The organisation was asked to present to the Allgemeines Krankenhaus H – General Hospital Nurses group in Vienna on the work they do and the impact it was having on the citizens of Austria
- They were invited by the Austrian Health-Ministry to contribute to the new national cancer-registry (Krebsplan)
- Selbsthilfe Gruppe Darmkrebs were also invited to become board members of The Self Help Association Consortium of Austria. "ARGE Selbtshilfe" – whose aim is to combine self-help groups in the social and health sectors to provide a platform to ensure decision-making structures are in place and are effective

SPKS - Foundation for Patients with Cancer of the Digestive System
Associate Patient Group"Together we are strong against cancer" conquers European Parliament
- During ECCAM 2012 MEPs Wim van de Camp (CDA) and Frieda Brepoels (N-VA) joined forces with the Dutch Foundation against Cancer and the Flemish Organisation Stopdarmkanker to raise awareness of colorectal cancer in the European Parliament
- Around 3000 blue ribbons and campaign leaflets were distributed at the two main entrances to the Parliament. They also mailed 754 MEPs with campaign leaflets
- A press conference was held were a specially designed blue ribbon by top Flemish designer Tim Van Steenbergen was launched
- At the parliamentary event that followed they launched a brand new online networking platform for colorectal cancer patients called "United Europe Against Colon Cancer".

Soon to join EuropaColon
- A press conference was held on the 14th of March addressing the alarming situation for colorectal cancer patients in Latvia and the restricted access to standard chemotherapy drug treatments.
- EuropaColon’s Founder/CEO Mrs Jolanta Gore Booth was invited to present on the work of EuropaColon HQ and how patient advocacy groups can influence change. Mrs Gore-Booth urged the Latvian Health Ministry to review its decision on restricting access to even the most standard chemotherapy drugs
- The press conference was attended by Irina Januma - chairperson of the patient association “VITA”, Janis Eglitis -Chief Oncologist in Latvia, Anatolijs Danilans –Gastroenterologist and invitees from Ministry of Health and Saeima (Latvian Parliament)

Associate Group
- ECCAM 2012 gave Colores the opportunity to reflect on the advances being made on survival rates for those affected by colorectal cancer through a announcement by Dr Helena Isoniemi, Chairman of the Board of Colores - Intestinal Cancer Society of Finland
- During March Colores launched a new book written by Christer Sundqvist a journalist who survived colorectal cancer called “Terve mies sairastuu suolistosyöpään” – ‘A Healthy Man becomes ill with Colorectal Cancer’. All proceeds from the book will go to helping colorectal cancer patients
- The organisation has also created a comic strip highlighting the benefits of colonoscopy
- Colores have also undertaken much work in the advocacy field by forming a cancer network within the Finnish parliament