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Five practical steps to patient centricity

Published on 01 May 2018 back to previous

How can pharma marketers put patients at the centre of product strategy and help improve their conditions? And which companies are developing truly patient-centred support and services? Here Shai Blackwell and Oliver Childs from Anatomy Health step away from the crystal ball and get pragmatic.

You’ve heard the argument before: pharma needs to change.

It has been suggested that we should look to the car industry, which, with the likes of Uber, has moved towards a ‘mobility-as-a-service’ model. Or the Apples and Amazons of the world, that understand customer experience – and not just core product – are key to commercial success.

True patient centricity will come from a shift towards a ‘health-as-a-service model’, where the pill sits at the centre of wider support offered by pharma.

It makes sense. Healthcare systems are under huge financial pressure. They need better.

Better and cheaper treatments are always needed, of course. But demonstrably better value is needed, too – value that comes not simply through unit cost, but from wider patient experience and outcomes. Pharma needs to provide this value in order to succeed in the brave new patient-centred world.

But what’s sometimes missing from these future-gazing discussions and thought pieces is concrete, practical guidance. What can you do now to be more patient centric and value driven?

Click here to read the 5 point guide from Pharmphorum.


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